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Translation Projects : Technical, Legal, Personal Documents & more.


Translation Project - PT > EN

Having your documents translated by ATA certified translators means you will have the best and most dedicated professionals work on your document to ensure language precision, proper register and grammar. 

Translation Project : Technical   (EN> PT)


Translation Project - EN > PT​
This sample translation is an example of a highly technical description that will require a careful reordering of words, when translating from EN > PT.
Translation Project - EN > PT​
This sample translation is an example of a highly technical description that will require a careful reordering of words, when translating from EN > PT.
Translation Project : Marketing Research
 (EN> PT)


Translation Project - EN > PT​
Marketing translations have a particular feature: Brazilian Portuguese has incorporated a lot of the jargon in English. It can be tricky to decide which words/expressions to keep in English and which to translate. But experience and consulting professionals in the area is part of a job well done.

Just a sample of my work. To see more or discuss possible work >>

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